- Manufacturer: Euro-Pharmacies
Producer: Euro-Pharmacies
Type: Injection
Unit dosage: 33.3 mg/mL
Packaging: 10 x 10 IU
Form: Powder
Bioactive agent: Somatropinum
Drug half-life: ~2.5 hours
Category: Growth hormone
Recommended dosage: 2 to 6 IU per day
Fluid retention: Rare
Flavoring: No
Info: As for HGH, it is infamous for being powerful at helping to build muscle and fat loss, among other things. HGH is definitely capable of getting you to your bodybuilding goals (particularly when done under a doctor).
HGH helps quicken your metabolism, controls how your body uses food for energy. This will make the body incinerate fat more and more, thus making it lean. It also allows the bones and muscles to grow, as a result of which you end up with increased muscle mass, strength, and bone density. According to a 1996 article published in the "New England Journal of Medicine," HGH can do everything from improve skin quality and decrease wrinkles to provide you with more energy. It also helps with injury healing and aids the immune system in fighting infections, which is good for overall health and recovery times.
Typically, people take between 2 and 6 IU of HGH per day, but certain conditions may require a more aggressive dose. The duration employed varies according to the goals of the person and can range from a few weeks to multiple months. To find out the correct dose and duration, medical advice should be sought individually.
The side effects of HGH can include: edema: swelling caused by fluid filling tissues; joint and muscle pain; carpal tunnel syndrome; a higher risk of diabetes; acromegaly: bones and tissues grow too big over time; high blood pressure (hypertension) or high blood sugar (diabetes type 2); changes in the level of cholesterol in your blood; and nerve irritation. Both of these side effects occur at varying rates and severity, depending on the user. This is why you ought to have your health checked from time to time if you wish to keep the risk at bay.
HGH is commonly combined with other drugs in bodybuilding to increase their efficacy:
- Testosterone: is important for the growth, strength, and recovery of muscles.
- Insulin: useful in the utilization of glucose by the body and to assimilate nutrients to aid muscle growth and repair.
- Steroids, such as trenbolone or anavar, to amplify the anabolic effects.
- Peptide hormones like igf-1 or ghrp-6 boost HGH, which would help your muscles grow and recover faster.
- Aromatase inhibitors: used only to prevent estrogen from causing side effects when combined with testosterone or other steroids.
These combinations should always be the responsibility of a health care professional to ensure they are taken safely and, perhaps, in most instances, effectively.
Tags: Somatropinum,Eurotropin,HGH