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Testosterone Enanthate

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Main characteristicsAll specifications
Release form::Injection
Type::AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids)

Testosterone Enanthate

Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals

Type: Injection

Unit Dosage: 250 mg/ml

Packaging: 10 ml vial

Form: Liquid

Bioactive Agent: Testosterone Enanthate

Half-Life: ~14 days

Category: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS)

Dosage: 500-1000 mg/week


Info: Sperm cell development and maturation are primarilyeffected. It is also used to treat various types of anemia, correct nitrogenbalance issues in the body, treat a condition known as hypogonadism, improvesmale characteristics and facilitates protein synthesis for muscle building.


Stimulates the development of male reproductive organs andthe prostate gland. Muscle building: as an anabolic steroid, it helps inbuilding muscle tissue and also raises the power one has. Production of morered blood cells: it makes oxygen circulate well in the body hence increasingone's endurance level for air travel purposes. Management of fat deposits inthe body plus ensuring strong bones are maintained healthy too while thereincreasing libido and enhancing mood swings for instance feelings of happinessbecome overwhelming .

Recommended Dosage and Duration:

For those new to this, they should be taking 250-600 mg perweek for at least 12-16 weeks. After this period of 12-16 weeks one might wantto increase to 600-800 mg per week. If one can withstand it, it is advisablethat they increase their dosage even further up to 800-1000 mg per day for anextended duration such as 16 weeks

Possible Side Effects:

Estrogen-like effects include increased body fat and waterretention; while androgenic effects may manifest as oily skin/acne breakoutsalong with increased growth rates for facial or body hair.[5] In addition tothis, side effects related to testosterone suppression range from reducedlevels of energy or sex drive(impotence) on one hand, to elevated fat storesand reduced muscle mass on the other. On the other hand, Potential heart issuesare among the cardiovascular hazards associated with the use of thesesupplements. Emotional fluctuations are what one characterizes them as.Possible aspects of liver toxicity are those that concern the liver.

Combination with Other Medications:

For muscle gain, Testosterone Enanthate can be mixed withother bulking agents. In times of cutting, people use it less frequently onlyto offer relief on hormones.

Release form:
AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids)

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