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Trenbolone Enanthate

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Main characteristicsAll specifications
Release form::Injection
Type::AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids)

Trenbolone Enanthate

Manufacturer: Prime Pharmaceuticals

Type: Injection

Dosage: 200 mg/ml

Packaging: 10 ml vial

Form: Liquid

Active Ingredient: Trenbolone Enanthate

Half-Life: Approximately 2 to 4 days

Category: AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids)

Dosage: 300 to 800 mg/week


Info: Trenbolone Enanthate is a potent 19-nor steroid due to itsunusual molecular configuration resistant to aromatization, having noestrogenic or progestational activity. This side effect isn’t a concern at allas due to its anabolic properties, it is able to increase protein synthesis inthe cells which results in muscle mass and/or strength gain. One of the thingsthat makes Trenbolone extremely effective is that it has a double bond at the9th and 11th carbon positions hence making it very strong in androgenic effectsas well as anabolic effects such as nitrogen retention or protein synthesisleading to increased muscle size with a score of 500/500 making this among onemost potent winstrol product available.


Trenbolone supercharges your body by helping it absorbnutrients better, leading to faster muscle growth from your diet. Anabolismgets a general boost from it, which also increases the potency of other steroidcompounds within cycles. If you want big and strong muscles, then useTrenbolone because this compound propels them faster than anything elseavailable today – while providing strength enhancements that can enable one tofeel like wonder woman/man when lifting weights in the gym. Bouncing backquickly from intense workouts becomes possible with Trenbolone through fasterrecoveries. Like bring a rock star in bed Libido is boosted too like neverbefore. Shedding unwanted fat is also done by it helping you become leaner thanyou can imagine.

Dosage and Usage Duration:

Newbies: 300-500 mg per week for 8-10 weeks Intermediateusers 500-700 mg per week for 8-10 weeks Advanced users 700-800 mg per week for8-10 weeks An advice for women: Do not use trenbolone as it has high levels ofmasculinity and reached best peak due to relatively harmful options.

Possible Side Effects:

Trenbolone use can cause severe acne and disrupttestosterone balance temporarily. Cardiovascular issues can also be a concernwith heart strain from Trenbolone. Some men may develop male breast tissuewhich is known as gynecomastia; likewise, cholesterol levels will changeleading to more bad cholesterol and less good cholesterol.  It might cause feelings of anger or sadnessover small things that can make someone cry easily; day-time sleepiness togetherwith episodes of wakefulness during the evening hours as well as violentnightmares could occur after taking high doses.

Combining with Other Medications:

Testosterone helps one gain muscles as its strength levelsincrease. Masteron is used to shape a muscular body by burning off fats thatare undesirable to the user; hence maintaining dryness with a well-definedshape. One will have more muscles and recover faster with Growth Hormones. Winstrol:Useful for cutting phases, providing a lean, defined muscle look.

Release form:
AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids)

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