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  • (SP) Sus 250 mg

(SP) Sus 250 mg

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Main characteristicsAll specifications
Dose::250 mg/ml
Package::10 ml/vial
Release form::Injection
Type::AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids)

Sus 250 mg

Manufacturer: SaxonPharmaceuticals

Category: Injection

Dose and quantity:250 mg/ml

Package: 10 ml

Form: Liquid

Active Substance:Test P 30 mg, Test PP 60 mg, Test Iso 60 mg, Test Deca 100 mg

Active Half-Life:7-8 days

Classification: SAA

Dosage: 300-1500 mga week

Water Retention:Yes

Aromatization: Yes

Info: Sustanon isan example of testosterone replacement therapy supplement that is made of fourtestosterone esters which are released in the body gradually. It comprisespropionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, and decanoate forms of testosterone.It functions by replacing depleted testosterone in the body, ceasing tiredness,decreased sexual drive, and muscle wasting symptoms connected with lowtestosterone.

Correct Usage andDosage

The recommendedweekly dosage ranges from 300 to 1500 mg. It is advisable to start with lowerdose at first and increase it gradually afterwards.

Benefits of Sus

Discover theadvantages of purchasing Sustanon:

  • Enhances musclegrowth and strength
  • Increases bonemineral density, reducing the risk of fractures
  • Boosts libido andimproves sexual function
  • Enhances mood,reduces fatigue, and provides an energy boost
  • Aids in improvingcognitive performance

Limited AdverseEffects

Excessive use ofsteroids from a sale may result in side effects such as itching, breast enlargement,elevated blood pressure, weight gain, nausea, and painful penile erection.

250 mg/ml
10 ml/vial
Release form:
AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids)

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Tags: Sustanon,Test Blend,Test Mix,Sust 250,Testosterone Injection,Saxon Pharma Sust,Muscle Amplifier,Testosterone Compound,Performance Enhancer,Pharmaceutical Grade Test,Testo Blend,Liquid Testosterone,Testosterone Mix,Test Depot,Testosterone Solution,Injectable Test,Sustabolic