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  • (SP) Tren A 100 mg

(SP) Tren A 100 mg

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Main characteristicsAll specifications
Dose::100 mg/ml
Package::10 ml/vial
Release form::Injection
Type::AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids)

Tren A 100 mg

Manufacturer: SaxonPharmaceuticals

Category: Injection

Dose and quantity:100 mg/ml

Package: 10 ml

Form: Liquid

Active Substance:Trenbolone Acetate

Active Half-Life:1-1,5 days

Classification: SAA

Dosage: 200-700 mga week

Water Retention: No

Aromatization: No

Info: TrenboloneAcetate dubbed the king of shred, increases protein synthesis rate, improvesmuscle ammonium ion transport, and is a hundred times more anabolic thantestosterone. In fitness circles and among body builders and athletes, it isvalued for its effect on physique, facilitating of appetite, and suppression ofcatabolism. Since it is a short ester type, the effects of the steroid arequickly released into the bloodstream and this needs more injections tomaintain it’s dosage above its half-life.

Correct Usage andDosage

It is generallyadvised that novices should avoid using Trenbolone acetate. The people whoconsume it for leisure tend to use between 50 and 100 mgs every two days. Inprofessional environments, learned practitioners desiring to attain enhancedoutcomes may apply dosages of 75 to 200 mg after every 48 hours. 

Benefits of Tren A

Trenbolone hasandrogenic effects, which may result in deepening of the voice, acne, andvirilization effects that are not preferred by female athletes. On the otherhand, Trenbolone Acetate is a very strong steroid that is approximately 3 timesstronger than testosterone, which makes it a highly regarded product among maleathletes who want to modify their bodies significantly. 

Limited AdverseEffects

Although it maycause side effects, it is free from the most basic side effects of otheranabolic steroids like water retention and is considered safe for the liver,while also not having the problems associated with acne and the enlargement ofcertain tissues.

100 mg/ml
10 ml/vial
Release form:
AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids)

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Tags: Tren A,Trenbolone Acetate,Tren 100 mg,Saxon Pharmaceuticals Tren,King of Shred,Injectable Tren,Bodybuilding Tren,Anabolic Tren,Muscle Enhancer,Tren Ace,Powerful Steroid,Physique Booster,Performance Tren,Liquid Tren,SAA Tren,Cutting Agent,Fast-acting Tren,High Gear Tren,Tren for Sale,Trenabolic,Trenbolone Solution,Top-notch Tren,Tren Ampoule,Tren Injection,Tren for Muscles