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Main characteristicsAll specifications
Release form::Oral
Type::Aromatase inhibitor


Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals

Type: Oral

Unit Dosage: 1 mg/tablet

Packaging: 50 tablet

Form: Tablets

Active Agent: Anastrozole

Drug Half-Life: ~46 hour

Category: Aromatase Inhibitor

Dosage: 0.5 to 1 mg/every two days


Info: To regulate your hormones, nothing works better thanArmidex, which is also called Anastrozole. By stopping their synthesis Armidexacts against their creation and therefore growths that no one wanted remainunder control. In sports and bodybuilding circles Arimidex is a must-havething; the way they use it has led to its being called anti-estrogenconsidering high estrogen levels lead to side effects like water retention orgynecomastia in men.


Arimidex is an essential tool for controlling the unpleasantsymptoms of using anabolic androgenic steroids in bodybuilding and sportsperformance. Effects such as water retention, male breast tissue growth(gynecomastia), and acne may result from the steroids raising estrogen levels.The specialty of Arimidex is in offsetting these estrogen-induced outcomes. Inso doing, it avoids these symptoms and increases bodybuilders’ comfort inaesthetics.

Dosage Range and Duration of Use:

0.5 milligrams of medicine is recommended every other dayfor those who have just started working out, mostly beginners. After that, aperson should use 1 mg of that drug every two days when he turns more advanced.When it comes to professional athletes, however, they should stick with 1 mgevery other day.

Possible Side Effects:

Hormonal imbalance: Changing the levels of estrogen in Modulating the levels ofestrogen can make hormonal imbalances occur which cause mood swings, lethargy,change in sexual desire. Joint and muscle discomfort: Stiffness, joint ormuscle pain may be experienced by some users in form of soreness or stiffness.Bone health: In the long run, bone health may be affected by long-term useleading to loss of bone mass thereby increasing fracture chances.

Stacking with Other Medications:

If you are going to have an anabolic steroid cycle, you must always do the following: after finishing use of Tamoxifen or Clomiphene among SERMs for Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) for edema prevention in order to stimulate natural manufacture of testosterone and avoid all estrogen-related symptoms; meanwhile get an Aromatase Inhibitor such as Arimidex into the entire cycle to lessen gynecomastia chances by reducing excesses of estrogen; besides this add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) so that you can maintain testicular function and avoid atrophy. Take aid supplements for liver aid, joint bodily health, and general health. Use exogenous testosterone to mitigate the inhibition of natural synthesis. Address particular health problems with suitable medicines. In the end, allow for recovery and hormonal equilibrium by taking breaks between cycles.

Release form:
Aromatase inhibitor

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Tags: Arimidex,Anastrozole