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  • Exemestane


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Main characteristicsAll specifications
Release form::Oral
Type::AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids)


Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals

Type: Oral

Dosage: 10 mg/tablet

Packaging: 100 tablets

Form: Tablets

Active Agent: Exemestane

Half-Life: ~24 hours

Category: Aromatase Inhibitor

Dosage: 25 to 75 mg/day


Info: Aromasin, also known as exemestane, which isprescribed in postmenopausal women, is about treating hormone receptor-positivebreast cancer. Aromasin is one of the drugs called aromatase inhibitors thatstop estrogen production. The decrease of estrogen in the human body helpscontrol the progress of some breast tumors.


It involves efforts made to reduce excess levels of estrogenthat are as high as ninety-seven percent in reducing the chances of one gettingenlarged male breasts, which are termed as gynecomastia. This way preventsdevelopment of breast tissue in males and improves on anabolic hormones thatenhance muscle growth as well as its definition; hence preventing hypertension,which in turn reduces chances of one suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore,to keep the balance between the two hormones at an optimum level, it isimportant to decrease the amount of estrogen that inhibits thehypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis.

Dose and Duration:

The above suggested administration rates should be adjustedas per physical activity levels and sex of an individual, but starting from thevery initial stage always go for 12.5mg/day if you are not trained enough onClenbuterol use then 25 mg/day may act as a mid-point between them (12-50).Lady wouldn’t be able to use these indications since they would lead intolerantreactions from her body system which would be really unsafe for her health.

Possible Side Effects:

Hormonal imbalance includes mood swings, fatigue, and libidochanges. Physical discomfort can entail muscle and joint stiffness as well aspain. Osteoporosis risk grows with a decrease in bone density. Estrogenreduction might have an impact on cardiovascular health. Alterations in lipidprofiles have a potential implication for cholesterol levels. The liver mayhave trouble processing drugs/ compounds that are metabolized there, amongother things. Changes in blood pressure necessitate close observation.When it comes to gaining muscle mass through a bulking cycle, a consummate arrangement is a combination of either Dianabol or Deca-Durabolin with Testosterone as the base. For fat loss in a cutting cycle, muscles are kept from being lost by Winstrol, Anavar and Trenbolone. Regarding improving strength and performance, athletes can use Anadrol or Trenbolone.

Combining with Other Medications:

When it comes to gaining muscle mass through a bulking cycle, a consummate arrangement is a combination of either Dianabol or Deca-Durabolin with Testosterone as the base. For fat loss in a cutting cycle, muscles are kept from being lost by Winstrol, Anavar and Trenbolone. Regarding improving strength and performance, athletes can use Anadrol or Trenbolone.

Release form:
AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids)

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