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Main characteristicsAll specifications
Release form::Oral
Type::Synthetic thyroid hormone

T3 (Cytomel)

Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals

Type: Oral

Unit Dosage: 25 µg/tablet

Packaging: 100 tablets

Form: Tablets

Bioactive Agent: Triiodothyronine

Half-Life: ~5 days

Category: Synthetic Thyroid Hormone

Dosage: 100-200 µg/day


Info: The thyroid gland is underactive leading tohypothyroidism which is the reason doctors prescribe T3 Cytomel; a syntheticthyroid hormone that acts faster than most. This medication has also found itsway into the fitness circles where it is said to help in weight reduction byboosting metabolism mechanisms.


Encourages quicker metabolism that elevates calorie burningrate and energy use. Fosters utilization of energy stored in the body’s fathelping it reduce in size. Could also reduce hunger hence making it easier forindividuals under controlled diet threshold. This energy producing process mayincrease physical activities because higher oxygen supply to the body isusually achieved during these periods when a person is strong enough forexercises. Also assists one`s focusing ability

Recommended Dosage and Duration:

Cycle Duration: Most often, they last 4-8 weeks, butsometimes they go on for 12 weeks. Beginners: 25-75 µg/day. Advanced Users:50-150 µg/day while others may use as much as 300 µg/day different from someregulations. Women: For ladies, the usual intake is about 25-75 µg/day.

Possible Side Effects:

Having unpredictable headaches that can interfere with dailyactivities. Sweating more than what you’d expect to after a marathon. Aheartbeating that is racing or beating irregularly. Trembling hands likesomeone who has taken too much coffee. Possibly causing changes in femalemenstrual periods. Skin irritation or an allergic response. Being irritable oranxious because of excitatory stimulation of the brain and nerves.

Combination with Other Medications:

Putting weight Cycle: The mixture of it androgenic hormone or testosterone and substances like Dianabol or Deca-Durabolin results in muscle tissue increase. Getting rid of weight Cycle: Combine using it androgenic hormone or testosterone, Anavar or Winstrol, in order for you to cut down body fats but at the same time remain with muscle tissues. For other things brought about by oestrogen add an inhibitor such as Arimidex. Adding lean tissues: moderate level intake of Anavar together with testosterone gives rise to muscle building in addition to solution not involving much water. Some combine anabolic steroids with SARMS for targeted effects, requiring thorough research and medical advice. This would best be achieved by a stack with Isotope C50, Clenbuterol or T3 in it.

Release form:
Synthetic thyroid hormone

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Tags: Triiodothyronine,Cytomel,T3