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  • Tamoxifen Citrate ( Nolvadex )

Tamoxifen Citrate ( Nolvadex )

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Main characteristicsAll specifications
Dose::20 mg/tab
CAS Number::54965-24-1
Molecular Formula::C32H37NO8
Package::50 tabs
Release form::Pills


Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare

Package: 50 tablets/bottle (20 mg/tablet)

Info: In order to prevent the development of breast tissue in men or any other side effects characterized by excessive activity of estrogens coming along with use of anabolic drugs heaviests the bodybuilding community has taken up on Tamoxifen. Moreover, most people commonly take Tamoxifen because it helps in returning natural production of male hormone during post cycle therapy (PCT).Tamoxifen is not only used to treat breast cancer but also to prevent the disease among women who are at greater danger of getting it. The anti-breast cancer potency in groups with high susceptibility may fall significantly by using it. Tamoxifen Citrate has no anabolic or androgenic components. It does not cause water retention and is unlikely to result in high blood pressure. As an estrogen antagonist, it does not prevent the aromatization process. It has very low liver toxicity and a half-life of 5-7 days, with some reports suggesting up to 14 days.


Tamoxifen citrate contends with estrogen over binding with receptors in the breast thereby works. Certainly, it ought not be construed as providing greater protection against gynecomastia among males since different levels exist within each individual based on genetics and hormonal interaction variables; if there arises any necessity for further action or if sterner measures are required against this disease process an aromatase inhibitor (AI) ought to be administered. These medications inhibit aromatase activity leading to lower levels circulating in your blood stream which will usually help prevent breast cancer metastasis rather than possibly allowing it spread unchecked. 

Dosage and Duration of Use

For Tamoxifen citrate treatment, it is best that you take it for a minimum of 4-6 weeks. Mild doses = 10-20mg per day; Moderate doses = 10-40mg per day; For women = 5-10 mg per day

    Side Effects

    Side effects of Tamoxifen Citrate include hot flashes, stomach pain, headaches, and vaginal itching, bleeding, discharge, or discomfort.

    Mixing/Combining Your Steroid Cycle

    Proper post cycle therapy (PCT) would usually involve another drug named Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid), which is actually a SERM as well. Additionally, Proviron is used in conjunction with it to get a more pronounced anti-estrogenic influence.

    20 mg/tab
    CAS Number:
    Molecular Formula:
    50 tabs
    Release form:
    Estrogen Agonists/Antagonists

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    Tags: Nolvadex,Nolva,Tamoxifen,Zymoplex,Soltamox,Nolvaxyl,Tamoximed,Tamodex,Xyfen,Tamox,Kessar,Tomifen,Tevafen,Oncotam,Neotam,Valodex.